Gas Pipeline Explosion

A 30-inch gas pipeline exploded in Westmoreland County, PA on Friday.  We’ve been a bit busy around here, so we haven’t been keeping up with the news.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has some good pictures and interviews.  It’s really scary to think what one of these pipelines does when it explodes.  I’ll have one about 200 yards or so from my house in about two years, and I’ll be preparing an escape plan.

The Fire Chief said he parked 1/4 mile away and he couldn’t get out of his truck because of the heat.

We’re big fans of having the pipelines built, as we really need them for continued development in this area.  We also have to be careful about them.  They don’t fail often, but when they do fail it’s spectacular and extremely dangerous.  We have to be prepared, and we have to make sure the companies are doing their work correctly.