Cash for Clunkers Should Have Required You To Buy This Car

Honda Civic CNGHonda has been selling a compressed natural gas Civic since 1998.  Who knew?  Apparently, availability was limited to four States until October of 2011, but it is now available in 37 States.  I can’t find a list of which States, but the website offers a dealer locator, and there’s probably a dealer near you.

The interesting thing to anybody in the market for this size car would be the price per mile.  To drive 25 miles, you can expect to pay $1.47 for natural gas, and $1.93 for the gasoline equivalent.  You also get to drive in HOV lanes in a lot of states.

The obvious drawback is refueling.  If there are no CNG stations in your area, this car will be ridiculously impractical.  If you’re not going to be deterred, however, you could get a Phill home refilling station.  Be forewarned that refilling at home can have detrimental effects on your warranty.  Read it carefully before deciding.